Valley Girl

valleygirlwithstairsI was looking at some Robert Valley art a few weeks ago and wanted to experiment in something similar to his style. Finally got a chance last night and had fun doing something different.

Looking at Robert’s art, I had fun playing with longer, exaggerated shapes and forced perspectives. Also, if you’re familiar with Robert’s stuff, you know his art sometimes comes with a cheeky, risque flavor. Wanted to add a little bit of that to this drawing since it’s somewhat of an homage.

I ended up randomly sketching some figures out and “found” my way to this drawing of a girl adjusting her bikini bottoms and the viewer catching her at just that moment.

This piece is also influenced by Celia Calle’s art. Just bought some prints from her at SDCC and have been looking at them. Like Robert’s work, I like her use of long exaggerated shapes and forced perspectives.

Threw some quick colors in Photoshop and kinda dug the flat color graphic feel to it.

*Addendum 8/11 — Initially I drew this image implying that her right foot is actually stepping on something and not just dangling in the air. But it kinda looked like her right leg was just up in the air, so I added in the stairs.


[9″x12″] Col-Erase Pencil -> Micron Pens -> Photoshop