Here’s my “Streetball variant” to the Durant piece I posted earlier.
I removed all the official NBA colors and logos and changed them to a more generic feel like they have for streetball tournaments. I also knew I had to work in an image of a tarantula somewhere, so I was able to place a halftoned image behind him. Up close, it may not be readily apparent, but when you back up, it’s much more visible. I also added in some facts about him and gave it more of an advertisement feel whereas the original piece had more of a poster feel.
By the way, in case you don’t know why they call him the Durantula, it’s because he’s tall and lanky – all legs and arms. And when he comes down the court, he has great ball control and “dances” back and forth with the ball. He looks like a giant 7-foot tall spider getting ready to attack its prey. And since his last name is “Durant”, it was easy to turn into “The Durantula”. If you wanna see some entertaining footage of “the Durantula attacking his prey” (with some fun commentary), check this out!
[11″x17″] Col-Erase Pencil -> Micron Pens -> Photoshop (for coloring) -> InDesign (for design & typography)