Here’s something a little different. Throwing it back to a week ago at FanExpoSF that I got to catchup with Erik Larsen. It was the first time I’d seen him since before the pandemic, after working with him in the Image Comics office for over a decade. While we were chatting, I watched him do a Spider-Man commission for someone and it looked so cool, I decided to get one for myself haha! Erik knocked it out of the park! I love it! And it’s extra nostalgic for me as I grew up on Erik’s run on Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man. So for extra fun, I digitized it, cleaned it up, colored it, and made a faux pin-up emulating the look of those old Marvel Masterwork Pin-Ups in the back of Marvel comics in the 1960s. I remember seeing those pin-ups in issues of Marvel Tales that were reprints of old Steve Ditko Spider-Man’s and thought they were so cool haha. I had fun goofing around with this!
Photoshop (color edits) -> InDesign (layout)