
Larsen Masterwork Pin-Up

Here’s something a little different. Throwing it back to a week ago at FanExpoSF that I got to catchup with Erik Larsen.

Spidey: Far From Home So Fun

Anyone else really enjoy Spider-Man: Far From Home? Thought it was a lot of fun! LOVED what they did with Mysterio! When I ini

Spida-Mitchell #1D Breakdowns

My last set of breakdowns for my D.O.N. Issue #1 cover images! Thanks to everyone that’s followed along and liked these

Spida-Mitchell #1C Breakdowns

Here’s the breakdowns for my D.O.N. Issue #1 Stealth colorway cover image: + Full cover image + Details map + Finished

Spida-Mitchell #1B Breakdowns

Back with more breakdowns! Here’s the set for my D.O.N. Issue #1 Symbiote colorway cover image: + Full cover image + D

Spida-Mitchell #1A Breakdowns

I always enjoy when artists share breakdowns for their work, so thought I’d do it for my D.O.N. Issue #1 Regular color

The Amazing Spida-Mitchell #1

Excited to finally be able to share this project I’ve been working on! HERE COMES THE SPIDA-MITCHELLLLL *sung like the o

Thank you, Mr. Ditko

When I was little, I couldn’t understand why these were my favorite comics. I read other Spider-Man comics, but I didn&#

Exp Creativity: Erik Larsen

Here’s the fourth and final ad of July for the EXPERIENCE CREATIVITY ads that Image Comics is currently doing! Erik is s

The Gwen experiment

I saw the new Spider-Man movie and really enjoyed it. I don’t think it’s a “perfect” movie, but the st

Exp Creativity: Todd McFarlane

Here’s the first ad of June for the EXPERIENCE CREATIVITY ads that Image Comics is currently doing! Does Todd McFarlane

Ghost Rider & Spidey – ECCC 2012

A very unusual and fun request! The commissioner’s favorite character is the Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider and her brother