Luther Strode Vol 1 ad

thestrangetalentlutherstrodev1_adHere’s a comic book page advertisement I made for THE STRANGE TALENT OF LUTHER STRODE Vol. 1.

The image is slightly altered art from the tradepaperback’s cover. Below Luther’s shoulders and arms, I turned the dark line art into a solid black. Normally I don’t like altering the creator’s art and definitely wouldn’t do it on the master files to print the book. But with advertisements, I feel it’s okay to take some liberties with the art to present it in a different manner than the actual book printing — as long as it doesn’t go against the original intent of the art.

The art itself was already so striking and graphic with the strong use of reds and blacks — I wanted to really focus on those aspects. I zoomed in and cropped the image to give it a graphic composition and contrast it with the “Just your average geek” tagline. By blacking out the art around the body and legs, it gives a nice ominous feel and graphically constrasts the areas with just strong solid reds and blacks. It also helps push the focus onto Luther’s bloody hands.

Lastly, I put in the credits and sales solicit info in solid white to give it a nice contrast from the dark colors of the art and “popping” the text forward.


[6.5″x10″] Photoshop (image edits) -> InDesign (layout and text)