Tech Jacket 1 ad
Here’s a comic book page advertisement I made for TECH JACKET for the new ongoing series! I used the cover to issue 1 and ma
Thief Of Thieves 20 ad
Here’s a comic book page advertisement I made for THIEF OF THIEVES 20. Using the cover art of issue 20, I put the logo, cred
Invincible 111 ad
Here’s a comic book page advertisement I made for INVINCIBLE 111. Big things are coming up for Invincible! The art is very s
Thief of Thieves 14 ad
Here’s a comic book page advertisement I made for THIEF OF THIEVES 14. Had a lot of fun playing with fonts on this one! I to
Exp Creativity: Sina Grace
Here’s the fourth ad of October for the EXPERIENCE CREATIVITY ads that Image Comics is currently doing! Sina is known as
The Walking Dead Michonne ad
Here’s a comic book page advertisement I made for THE WALKING DEAD: MICHONNE SPECIAL. Knowing that the special was going